
Birds Anthem

After falling off track, reconnecting with yourself is crucial. It's helpful to make time for oneself, practice positive self-talk, and remember that everything is temporary. Good that you recognized losing yourself. Some people wander due to denial or ignorance. As a second step, write down the qualities and characteristics of the person you aspire to be, and then put forth your best effort to embody those qualities and become that individual.

Birds sang on sunrise. I overheard them saying to start over from the beginning. Shift your focus away from dwelling on the events that have already occurred and cannot be altered, as well as the unknown mysteries yet to be uncovered.

It is of utmost importance that we prioritize learning to love others and fostering strong connections, as this is the true purpose and meaning of our lives.

Instead of spending your valuable time and energy on criticizing, why not channel it towards creating something meaningful and productive? Not so heavy in the head, the dark clouds have lifted, no longer longing to be dead. How long does it last? Who knows? Who cares? Despite the rarity, today is a day truly worth living and cherishing.

Your most precious gift is time

The fundamental and essential aspect of life is love, for it is said that God himself is love. One of the most pivotal and meaningful lessons he yearns to understand during our brief existence on this Earth is the concept of how love is both taught and shared among individuals. Love is the foundation of every command, as it makes us the most human being. Developing the ability to love unselfishly is a challenging task that requires dedication, patience, and self-reflection. As humans, it is often against our natural inclination to be self-centered. For this reason, we are given a lifetime to learn.

It is important to remember that what may be considered morally correct is not always the most popular opinion, and what may be commonly accepted is not always the most ethical choice.

True progress can only be achieved when it stems from a deep, internal desire and cannot be rushed or artificially sped up. Everything must be carried to term before it is born. To let every impression and the germ of every feeling come to completion inside, in the unsayable, the unconscious, in what is unattainable to one's own intellect, and to wait with deep humility and patience for the hour when a new clarity is delivered: that alone is to live as an artist, in the understanding and in one's creative work.

I listen to sounds: voices, music, fabric and air.

Matters cannot be measured by time, a year has no meaning, and ten years are nothing. To be an initiator means: not to calculate and count; to grow and ripen like a tree, which does not hurry the flow of its sap and stands at ease in the spring gales without fearing that no summer may follow. It will come. But it comes only to those who are patient, who are simply there in their vast, quiet tranquillity, as if eternity lay before them. It is a lesson I learn every day amid hardships. I am thankful for patience, is all!..

As I reflect on my current situation, I cannot help but feel a strong sense of obligation and duty to those who have played a significant role in bringing me to where I am today. I have made a long way in all these years. They helped me in a way they may never know. But if I look inside, there is still a long way to go. I hope this is the right direction. If it were wrong, I would have been dead long ago. Maybe there's no right way to reach my destination. But in retrospect, I have faced many wrong ways..

Instead of spending your valuable time and energy on criticizing, why not channel it towards creating something meaningful and productive? .

In this day and age, it is no longer necessary to constantly reside in the overwhelming and all-consuming intensity of emotional pain and despair. Through the power of imagination, one can nourish their mind with numerous thoughts and ultimately pave the way for a new and innovative way of living.

My feelings

My sincere wish is that by reading these words, you will find some measure of happiness and motivation.

For the most effective use of this small message, I suggest reading it carefully, and then proceeding to read the entire meditation. By doing so, you can fully incorporate the affirmations into your mind.

On this beautiful day, I have made the conscious decision to actively seek out new and creative ways to utilize the unique gifts God has bestowed upon me, while also making a conscious effort to deepen my understanding and awareness of both myself and those around me.

The circle of life

We all start at zero, and nobody is naturally intelligent. unable to walk, talk, or do algebra, addition, reading, writing, or riding a bicycle. People often think that no one is naturally good at anything when they try it for the first time. During his early years, the famous physicist Albert Einstein had trouble counting to ten. William Shakespeare, like everyone else, had to learn his ABCs, even though he was one of the most famous poets and playwrights in history. Thankfully, we were made to learn. You might run into problems and setbacks while proceeding at a slow and steady pace, which could make you trip, slip, crawl, and eventually fall and fail. The encounter has been tremendously. You might run into problems and setbacks while proceeding at a slow and steady pace, which could make you trip, slip, crawl, and eventually fall and fail. It has been a very trying, perplexing, and frustrating experience all at once. Having trouble. Until you walk one day. The best course of action is to proceed step by step, putting one foot in front of the other. One concept after another. Your brain gets a little stronger with each incorrect response. The word "failing" simply means "growing." And you continue. This is learning. It doesn't seem you don't understand. You simply don't understand yet. Because the most exquisite, intricate ideas in the universe are based on fundamental principles that anybody, anywhere, can comprehend. No matter where you are or who you are. You only need to be aware of one basic fact: everything is attainable!..